Grow direct booking
made easy

Grow your guest with confidence. From powerful hotel booking platform
to advanced business solutions—we've got you covered.

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Benefits of direct booking

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High possibility to build long-term connection with your guests

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Easy to manage incoming bookings with integrated dashboard

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Offer more in-app promos

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and many more!

Our products

Guest - Mobile app documentation

Guest side

1. Mobile app

Let's build your booking engine app and publish it both to the Play Store and App Store

Guest - Website documentation

Guest side

2. Website

No need to download it! Guests just need to access your booking engine on their browser

Guest - WhatsApp chatbook documentation

Guest side

3. WhatsApp chatbook

Open WhatsApp, say hi to the bot, then complete the flows. Such a simpler way to make room bookings!

Hotel - Admin dashboard documentation

Hotel side

4. Admin dashboard

Manage incoming bookings on your hotel with our integrated website dashboard

Hotels trust with us spread over Indonesia

Let's get started! 🚀

Ready to grow and level up direct booking at your hotels?
Don't hesitate to reach out to us. Simply click Contact us below